Today felt almost normal – almost routine. Feeding chickens. Gathering eggs. No mishaps today!
Anne and I are taking turns sleeping at the cabin at the farm. It feels better after losing chickens to hawks and owls the first nights. Milo barks when he hears coyotes at night. Our puppy Bergen is picking up his chicken guarding life skills.
I woke up this morning and sat on the sofa outside the cabin. Early morning sun. Lots of layered jackets as the temperature hadn’t risen above freezing yet. It was the sound of chickens that I noticed the most – and them clucking around pecking for food on the ground. It was a moment to realize this is my life now – and to feel an incredible gratitude for living so close to nature, the sky, the mountains, the trees, and these new chickens, acting like they belong on our farm.
The dogs and I took a walk around the farm this morning. Here’s a picture of a few of the Ponderosa’s poking up as the snow melts. We put in 300 last spring – it looks like most of them will be off to a healthy start this year.