Podcast – LISTEN NOW – Episode Ten

Happy Hens on the New Land
They’re laying eggs here too!

The farmers
On a Sunny Summer Day


So much to move

Even the dog kennel


Hey Anne 

Look at the cute chicken coop
I saw at the hardware store.
Just a slightly different approach – 
holds 15 chickens.

Instead, below,
a truckload of food scraps,
feeding hundreds of hens,
a few roosters, and two geese.


We’re getting used to this painting greeting us
when we drive up to the land each morning,
greet our chickens,
and give them their food.

Egg collecting each afternoon,
The Happy Hens are giving a case a day now,
Young chckens are coming into lay,
more eggs to collect each day.

And the latest podcast

 Episode 10. We moved the flock, dissecting a tragedy, and something new – a cryptocurrency investment

1. 640 Happy Hens are now living at the new land of The Many Spokes Farm.
2. Dealing with the 134 chickens we lost during the move – using The ICE Method to reconsolidate the upsets.
3. Strange for me – I’ve only invested in chickens before – now I own some Ripple. Making that a spiritual journey.

LISTEN NOW – Episode Nine
Previous Episodes

Thank You!

Nice to share our farm with you.
Blessings for the journey.


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Blessings – BE WELL!




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